zhongchen 发表于 2012-9-10 20:47
都不对。只看帐单和楼主说的没有开通过。。没法说明任何问题。正确的是应要去看84系统内,你的机器的状态是 ...
Host.HowPick 发表于 2012-9-10 22:34
这个还有什么好争议的吗?84拒绝了当年楼主的1刀服务器的申请,退了1刀给楼主,还能有什么状态? ...
多谢~~ 本帖最后由 Sealones 于 2012-9-18 08:24 编辑
I was already canceled the bill charges
Check this bill, I did not succeed to order the product, but my credit card be charged, I do not need this product, I ask you to help me a refund, thank you
I do not receive e-mail confirmation of product opened, I need your help, thank you ~
Stephen C. 09-09-2012 - 02:18AM
Please provide the billing pin code associated with this hosting account. The pin can be set in/retrieved from the My Details section of your client area at https://service.burst.net. This code is used for verification of your identity and is necessary for us to complete your request.
We understand the importance of your request and want to do our best to quickly and sufficiently resolve this matter.
At this time, please note that your ticket is being reassigned to the Billing department. The Billing department is available Monday through Friday, between 9 AM and 5 PM Eastern Time, and addresses tickets in the order in which they are received. You will receive another reply as soon as possible.
Thank You,
Stephen C.
Technical Support Representative
Technical Support
http://www.burst.net � USA
http://www.burstnet.eu - EU
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09-09-2012 - 03:12AM
For two, not received payment event, I've been to the paypal complaint if you feel no objection, agreed to arbitration can, thank you for your help ~
https://www.paypal.com/c2/cgi-bi ... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
https://www.paypal.com/c2/cgi-bi ... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 本帖最后由 Sealones 于 2012-9-18 08:24 编辑
I show your invoice # 10829144 was already refunded. Please advise if you are having issues and advise exactly how I may help you. Thank you.
Jennifer B.
Customer Service Representative
Customer Service
http://www.burst.net � USA
http://www.burstnet.eu - EU
Customer Service/Billing Department standard hours of operation are 9AM-5PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
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×× 09-10-2012 - 08:28PM
When can I receive a refund, I am very concerned about this matter
×× 09-11-2012 - 12:20AM
My paypal payment account ######### August 4, September 4 charges twice, each time charge of $ 74.96
Jennifer B. 09-11-2012 - 10:12AM
Your payment was refunded via transaction ID 1XH26318X6369210D. If you have transactions that are showing we have received please provide the PayPal transaction IDs associated with then so I c an verify and locate them for you. Thank you so much.
Jennifer B.
Customer Service Representative
Customer Service
http://www.burst.net � USA
http://www.burstnet.eu - EU
Customer Service/Billing Department standard hours of operation are 9AM-5PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
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×× 09-11-2012 - 09:13PM
transaction ID
Jennifer B. 09-12-2012 - 09:42AM
I see that you have placed holds on the transactions. Please close the disputes so that I am able to assist as PayPal freezes these funds and we can take no action. Please update this ticket once the disputes have been closed. Thank you.
Jennifer B.
Customer Service Representative
Customer Service
http://www.burst.net � USA
http://www.burstnet.eu - EU
Customer Service/Billing Department standard hours of operation are 9AM-5PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
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×× 09-12-2012 - 08:37PM
I've closed the dispute, and I hope you will help me as soon as possible to complete the refund thing I have wasted a lot of time and effort, I am very worry, Thank you for your help.
Jennifer B. 09-13-2012 - 09:00AM
This is what I have found. Your transactions were received by your account but they were not applied to an invoice they were applied to your BurstNET credit balance. This may be why you are having trouble locating the payments because they are not directly attached to the invoices. I am very sorry for the confusion caused.
We can do one of two things based on your request. Since part of your payment was already applied to your invoice #s 10848882 and 10867872 we can either:
1. Leave the funds in your credit balance to pay your invoices as they generate.
2. Refund on of the transactions and leave the remaining amount of the transaction that paid the two invoices.
Please make sure you cancel the subscription payment so this does not continue to occur and let me know what is you prefer. Thank you so much.
Jennifer B.
Customer Service Representative
Customer Service
http://www.burst.net � USA
http://www.burstnet.eu - EU
Customer Service/Billing Department standard hours of operation are 9AM-5PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
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×× 09-13-2012 - 08:48PM
2. Refund on of the transactions and leave the remaining amount of the transaction that paid the two invoices.
Thank you!
Jennifer B. 09-14-2012 - 09:41AM
Thank you so much. Your payment has been refunded via transaction ID 4M235204LM340484F as requested and your remaining credit balance is 64.24. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Jennifer B.
Customer Service Representative
Customer Service
http://www.burst.net � USA
http://www.burstnet.eu - EU
Customer Service/Billing Department standard hours of operation are 9AM-5PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
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×× 09-14-2012 - 08:09PM
credit balance is 64.24.
I hope that this part of the money be refunded to my card bill I will pay, thank
Jennifer B. 09-17-2012 - 11:11AM
I believe I misunderstood your initial request. Please advise if you would like the 64.24 refunded to your Card as well. Thank you so much.
Jennifer B.
Customer Service Representative
Customer Service
http://www.burst.net � USA
http://www.burstnet.eu - EU
Customer Service/Billing Department standard hours of operation are 9AM-5PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
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×× 09-17-2012 - 08:22PM
Yes,I would like the 64.24 refunded to my Card as well. Thank you so much.
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