求一个现在能用的谷歌浏览器去优酷广告插件~~~ekucn 发表于 2013-7-13 19:49
或者 AdMunch
怎么搜索不到呢 绿帽哥
ekucn 发表于 2013-7-13 19:53
哥还以为你指的是谷歌应用 有的 [*]// ==UserScript==
[*]// @name OpenGG.Clean.Player(Bae
[*]// @author Anonymous
[*]// @description 通过替换swf播放器的方式来解决优酷的黑屏广告+Bilibili黑科技 In God,We Turst.
[*]// @version 1.366.2
[*]// @namespace http://userscripts.org/users/Kawaiiushio
[*]// @updateURL https://userscripts.org/scripts/source/162286.meta.js
[*]// @downloadURL https://userscripts.org/scripts/source/162286.user.js
[*]// @icon http://extensiondl.maxthon.cn/skinpack/17276781/1366787326/icons/icon_48.png
[*]// @include http://*/*
[*]// @include https://*/*
[*]// ==/UserScript==
[*] * === 说明 ===
[*] * 本脚本参考http://bbs.kafan.cn/thread-1514537-1-1.html 感谢卡饭大神
[*] * Chrome用户也可以使用Adkill and Media download这个扩展
[*] * 此脚本设计修改人员OpenGGHarvxplsy15536900yndocKawaiiUshio 5B4B铅笔
[*] * Bilibili黑科技由FireAway提供 参考:http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/165424
[*] * Opera兼容部分由Gerald修改
[*] * In God,We Trust.
[*] * THX.
[*] */
[*] * Love Jiani
[*] */
[*](function() {
[*] Function.prototype.bind = function() {
[*] var fn = this, args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), obj = args.shift();
[*] return function() {
[*] return fn.apply(obj, args.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)));
[*] };
[*] };
[*] function YoukuAntiAds() {}
[*] YoukuAntiAds.prototype = {
[*] _players: null,
[*] _rules: null,
[*] _done: null,
[*] get players() {
[*] if(!this._players) {
[*] this._players = {
[*] 'youku': 'http://lovejiani.cdn.duapp.com/kafan/loader.swf',
[*] 'ku6': 'http://lovejiani.cdn.duapp.com/kafan/ku6.swf',
[*] 'iqiyi': 'http://lovejiani.cdn.duapp.com/kafan/iqiyi.swf',
[*] 'iqiyi5': 'http://lovejiani.cdn.duapp.com/kafan/iqiyi5.swf',
[*] 'tudou': 'http://lovejiani.cdn.duapp.com/kafan/tudou.swf',
[*] 'tudou_olc': 'http://lovejiani.cdn.duapp.com/kafan/olc_8.swf',
[*] 'tudou_sp': 'http://lovejiani.cdn.duapp.com/kafan/sp.swf',
[*] 'letv': 'http://lovejiani.cdn.duapp.com/kafan/letv.swf'
[*] };
[*] }
[*] return this._players;
[*] },
[*] get rules() {
[*] if(!this._rules) {
[*] this._rules = {
[*] 'youku': {
[*] 'find': /^http:\/\/static\.youku\.com(\/v[\d\.]+)?\/v\/swf\/(loader|q?player[^\.]*)\.swf/i,
[*] 'replace': this.players['youku']
[*] },
[*] 'youku_out': {
[*] 'find': /^http:\/\/player\.youku\.com\/player\.php\/.*sid\/([\w=]+).*(\/v)?\.swf.*/i,
[*] 'replace': this.players['youku'] + '?showAd=0&VideoIDS=$1'
[*] },
[*] 'ku6': {
[*] 'find': /^http:\/\/player\.ku6cdn\.com\/default\/.*\/\d+\/player\.swf/i,
[*] 'replace': this.players['ku6']
[*] },
[*] 'ku6_out': {
[*] 'find': /^http:\/\/player\.ku6\.com\/(inside|refer)\/([^\/]+)\/v\.swf.*/i,
[*] 'replace': this.players['ku6'] + '?vid=$2'
[*] },
[*] 'letv1': {
[*] 'find': /^http:\/\/.*letv[\w]*\.com\/[^\.]*\/.*player\/((?!Live).*)Player[^\.]*\.swf/i,
[*] 'replace': this.players['letv']
[*] },
[*] 'letv2': {
[*] 'find': /^http:\/\/.*letv[\w]*\.com\/.*player[^\.]*\.swf\?v_list=[\d]/i,
[*] 'replace': this.players['letv']
[*] },
[*] 'letv3': {
[*] 'find': /^http:\/\/.*letv[\w]*\.com\/.*\/v_list=[\d]*\/\.swf/i,
[*] 'replace': this.players['letv']
[*] },
[*] 'iqiyi': {
[*] 'find': /^http:\/\/www\.iqiyi\.com\/player\/\d+\/player\.swf/i,
[*] 'replace': this.players['iqiyi']
[*] },
[*] 'iqiyi_out': {
[*] 'find': /^http:\/\/(player|dispatcher)\.video\.i?qiyi\.com\/(.*[\?&]vid=)?([^\/&]+).*/i,
[*] 'replace': this.players['iqiyi5'] + '?vid=$3'
[*] },
[*] 'tudou': {
[*] 'find': /^http:\/\/js\.tudouui\.com\/.*player[^\.]*\.swf/i,
[*] 'replace': this.players['tudou']
[*] },
[*] 'tudou_out': {
[*] 'find': /^http:\/\/www\.tudou\.com\/.*(\/v\.swf)?/i,
[*] 'replace': this.players['tudou_olc'] + '?tvcCode=-1&swfPath=' + this.players['tudou_sp']
[*] }
[*] }
[*] }
[*] return this._rules;
[*] },
[*] get done() {
[*] if(!this._done) {
[*] this._done = new Array();
[*] }
[*] return this._done;
[*] },
[*] initPreHandlers: function() {
[*] this.rules['iqiyi']['preHandle'] = function(elem, find, replace, player) {
[*] if(document.querySelector('span')) {
[*] replace = this.players['iqiyi5'];
[*] }
[*] this.reallyReplace.bind(this, elem, find, replace)();
[*] }
[*] this.rules['tudou_out']['preHandle'] = function(elem, find, replace, player) {
[*] var fn = this;
[*] var isFx = /firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
[*] GM_xmlhttpRequest({
[*] method: isFx ? 'HEAD' : 'GET',
[*] url: isFx ? player : 'https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?format=json&q=' + encodeURIComponent('use"https://haoutil.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/firefox/tudou_redirect.yql.xml" as tudou; select * from tudou where url="' + player + '" and referer="' + window.location.href + '"'),
[*] onload: function(response) {
[*] var finalUrl = (isFx ? response.finalUrl : response.responseText);
[*] var match = finalUrl.match(/(iid|youkuid|resourceid|autoplay|snap_pic)=[^&]+/ig);
[*] if(match && !/error/i.test(finalUrl)) {
[*] replace += '&' + match.join('&');
[*] fn.reallyReplace.bind(fn, elem, find, replace)();
[*] }
[*] }
[*] });
[*] }
[*] },
[*] addAnimations: function() {
[*] var style = document.createElement('style');
[*] style.type = 'text/css';
[*] style.innerHTML = 'object,embed{\
[*]@-webkit-keyframes playerInserted{from{opacity:0.99;}to{opacity:1;}}\
[*]@-ms-keyframes playerInserted{from{opacity:0.99;}to{opacity:1;}}\
[*]@-o-keyframes playerInserted{from{opacity:0.99;}to{opacity:1;}}\
[*]@keyframes playerInserted{from{opacity:0.99;}to{opacity:1;}}';
[*] document.getElementsByTagName('head').appendChild(style);
[*] },
[*] animationsHandler: function(e) {
[*] if(e.animationName === 'playerInserted') {
[*] this.replace(e.target);
[*] }
[*] },
[*] replace: function(elem) {
[*] if(this.done.indexOf(elem) != -1) return;
[*] this.done.push(elem);
[*] var player = elem.data || elem.src;
[*] if(!player) return;
[*] var i, find, replace, isReplacing = false;
[*] for(i in this.rules) {
[*] find = this.rules['find'];
[*] if(find.test(player)) {
[*] replace = this.rules['replace'];
[*] if('function' === typeof this.rules['preHandle']) {
[*] isReplacing = true;
[*] this.rules['preHandle'].bind(this, elem, find, replace, player)();
[*] }
[*] if(!isReplacing) {
[*] this.reallyReplace.bind(this, elem, find, replace)();
[*] }
[*] break;
[*] }
[*] }
[*] },
[*] reallyReplace: function(elem, find, replace) {
[*] elem.data && (elem.data = elem.data.replace(find, replace)) || elem.src && ((elem.src = elem.src.replace(find, replace)) && (elem.style.display = 'block'));
[*] this.reloadPlugin(elem);
[*] },
[*] reloadPlugin: function(elem) {
[*] var nextSibling = elem.nextSibling;
[*] var parentNode = elem.parentNode;
[*] parentNode.removeChild(elem);
[*] var newElem = elem.cloneNode(true);
[*] this.done.push(newElem);
[*] if(nextSibling) {
[*] parentNode.insertBefore(newElem, nextSibling);
[*] } else {
[*] parentNode.appendChild(newElem);
[*] }
[*] },
[*] init: function() {
[*] this.initPreHandlers();
[*] var handler = this.animationsHandler.bind(this);
[*] document.body.addEventListener('webkitAnimationStart', handler, false);
[*] document.body.addEventListener('msAnimationStart', handler, false);
[*] document.body.addEventListener('oAnimationStart', handler, false);
[*] document.body.addEventListener('animationstart', handler, false);
[*] this.addAnimations();
[*] }
[*] };
[*] new YoukuAntiAds().init();
[*]})();复制代码保持.JS直接拖进chrome Adkill我在用这个 用奶牛的 不错
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