DigitalGeneration 最新公告,改用 Egopay 提现
payza和egopay都绑定了,两个按钮都有,但是都提取不了,一直提示下面的,啥情况?Payment cannot be done
Payment system Egopay, system error
Your request can't be currently processed due to one of the following reasons:
- Payment account that we use for payouts is currently out of funds
- Script update
- Multiple trial / past trial usage detected
- Mobile network not supported
- Account pending additional validation
- IP blacklisted
蚂蚁 发表于 2013-7-20 13:42
两个都不行了,公告貌似说24号以后改用信用卡支付了,真这样的话这项目基本上是废了 ...
请问你也提不了吗? 都不行 ponzi scheme
大笨猫 发表于 2013-7-20 13:44
EgoPay现在可以请款了,但是审核中 现在什么情况啊?白忙活了???