Dear XXXX,Several months ago, you received a notice to review and update the contact information for your domain name(s). This is a follow-up to that email.
According to our records, you are the ADMINISTRATIVE CONTACT for the following domain names registered at GoDaddy.com (as of June 22, 2010):
123.COM [我的米]
To review/update your contact data:
1. You will need a copy of your Domain Information Key:
[这里是一串KEY ]
2. Go to https://www.godaddy.com/icann/do ... addy&isc=IC6104
3. Input your Domain Information Key and review your contact information.
Under ICANN rules and the terms of your registration agreement, PROVIDING FALSE CONTACT INFORMATION CAN BE GROUNDS FOR DOMAIN NAME CANCELLATION. If you find your domain contact data is current and accurate, there's no need to take action
这个是什么意思啊 原帖由 2521298 于 2010-7-9 12:35 发表
Dear XXXX,
Several months ago, you received a notice to review and update the contact information for your domain name(s). This is a follow-up to that email.
According to our records, you are the AD ...
这是一封域名验证邮件,去那个链接输入你邮件所获取的验证码。 我输入然后空白 原帖由 2521298 于 2010-7-9 12:40 发表
GD也真是的 一发发两封KEY都不同现在不提示要验证了 验证联系方式是否真实用的 -___________- 隔三岔五就是Godaddy的续费提醒和促销 经常收到促销邮件。 信息正确不用管它。定期的,不是GODADDY要求的,它也是按章办事而已。 这是促销邮件 一般不用搭理