本帖最后由 360 于 2016-2-1 21:09 编辑从3月1号开始每次续费手续费涨到19欧,吊炸天了
Technical assistance
BP 438 - 75366 Paris CEDEX 08
Tel: 01 84 13 00 00
You are currently using a specific mean of payment: Paypal
We are committed to keep our prices among the most competitive on the market for all of our services and to the majority of our customers, while providing expensive and very specific payment means.
Considering the high transaction fees charged by the operator of these means of payment in 2016, we inform you that from March 1st 2016 a transaction fee of € 19 excluding taxes will be applied.
You are able to change your payment method at any time and without any charges from your management console.
Payments using credit cards (CB / Visa / Mastercard) and European SEPA direct debit transactions remain of course free of charge.
We remain at your entire disposal.
If you have any questions, please contact our assistance
Best regards, 续费手续费涨到19欧?这么屌 没收到邮件呢? 哎 我艹
才看到 我用XYK付的~~~ 绑了几张信用卡都没绑上,真是奇怪... 哎,只好用visa了 真不知道online怎么想的。 我以前的老账户一直用paypal付款的
真要这样的话,续费2欧,手续费19欧,玩个毛啊 逼着都用信用卡
fengpioaxue 发表于 2016-2-2 00:16
真不知道online怎么想的。 我以前的老账户一直用paypal付款的
真要这样的话,续费2欧,手续费19欧,玩个毛 ...
ybz163 发表于 2016-2-2 08:04
话说,这个19欧的手续费,是你要继续使用PayPal支付的话,就交这一次就可以了,是这样理解的么。 ...
但愿吧,如果每次都交的话太坑了 腾讯的运通卡付款也要收19欧 日了狗了