Chevereto 更新倒是快啊
不知不觉已经 v3.8.12 ~~黑五买到现在 完全没怎么用
今日 水一贴
Chevereto 发表于 2017-2-28 10:13
It's very simple: Is a blind system. No authorization is actually made or needed to run it. The sy ...
Just hope Chevereto can do better!
Best regards. 本帖最后由 Chevereto 于 2017-2-28 10:19 编辑
阿威 发表于 2017-2-24 10:23
免费版本好像不能增加第三方存储和一些社交增强,其他功能基本一致,就是这验证机制挺云里雾里的,搞不明 ...
It's very simple: Is a blind system. No authorization is actually made or needed to run it. The system is there only to detect when an installation is legitimate or not and the only way to fool it is by using a valid license among several people. We won't make a big deal if that happens unless we detect a re-selling pattern or we notice abuse.
阿威 发表于 2017-2-24 10:14
虽然泄露源码的可能性很小,但最好别 ...
We used to have a domain tool and clients just didn't used it. It was pointless to keep using that system because it never worked as intended. It happens all the time, a plan looks superb until you start actually doing it.
We now do a more automated system for that, we get pinged on every new Chevereto intallation and besides that we do the usual guerrilla discovery of Chevereto based websites. It has worked very well indeed. 本帖最后由 Chevereto 于 2017-3-18 05:20 编辑
阿威 发表于 2017-2-24 09:07
如果我的程序zip压缩包像我说的那样不小心泄露在互联网上,会直接取消我们的 ...
While a client may lose $68 / $98, at our side we stop earning up to 100X that money. Every single leak means sustancial less income for us, thus, less development. Even today we still find brand new websites running very old Chevereto versions (like v3.6.0) that were obtained via fraudulent activity.
There are no insurances or anything like that and when stuff like this happens we lose serious money. If somehow a license (or files) gets to a third party is because the client didn't take precaution with those.
We can't assume if an act like this is either a felony or just a mistake and that's why the only thing that we can do is to cancel the license because something like this means a very significative lost of income for us. In theory we could demand you to pay for the looses or damages that such action caused to us (it is stated in our terms) but we never do that and most likely we never will. 使用 chevereto 要注意源码和压缩包别被泄露,不然会被官方取消授权。
例如在站点根目录解压文件后要有及时删除压缩包的习惯,开启目录输出的域名可能会被搜索引擎收录。 已更新 一直也没用,空间也没用! 买来一直发霉,你黑五多少入的?
宁静致远 发表于 2017-2-22 00:05
好像 二十多刀 来自