我的第一个域名是ru免费米,用了9个多月后换成了现在的这个域名,昨天收到邮件说ru米要开始收费了。赶紧要把那个ru米转向到新米上来,ru米pr2,权重也挺高的,想把这些都转到新米上来。但我碰到难题了,老米和新米的链接方式不一样,老米是 /archives/111.html 而新米是 /a/111 请问这样怎么做转向?现在新旧域名都解析在我的vps上,用的是nginx。 Dear client!RIPN, as NET.RU, ORG.RU, PP.RU domain sponsor,
intends to transfer the registration and support business of NET.RU,
ORG.RU and .PP.RU third level domains to RU-CENTER.
on December 27, 2010. The company's choice was first of all triggered
by the fact, that it is RU-CENTER who has taken up maintenance of
NET.RU, .ORG.RU and .PP.RU third level domains in 2006.
The domain maintenance will be realized through RU-CENTER
web-interface nic.ru.
The instructions about the authorization details though RU-CENTER
web-interface will be sent to all domain registrants' contact emails,
which were specified for individuals or legal entities for registration
of .NET.RU, ORG.RU and PP.RU domain names. For registrant's access
he will be suggested to conclude the Service Agreement with RU-CENTER.
The registration of NET.RU, ORG.RU and PP.RU
third level domains through RIPN web-interface will be ceased
on December 20, 2010 and launched through RU-CENTER web-interface
on payment basis on December 27, 2010.
In this case, the number of requests will be unlimited.
Administrative Group
e-mail: ru-ncc@ripn.net
phones: +7 (495) 994-46-01
+7 (495) 737-06-01
这个? 解释下 不是很明白... nginx 301重定向呗 做301 如果有规律的,倒是可以301。。你别是随机生成的 是wp吗?
记得有个插件… 不是,原来ru米用的是wp,转用新域名后用了typecho,不过文章的数字编码还是对应的。 你去我博客搜搜,我就不发了, 一米 你GG下,里面有的,怎么做301.