I am back! Home sweet home now, although it looks like I’ll be busy catching up with work for the next week or two. Caught a night flight last night and here is a tip — try NOT to watch Inception on an overnight long haul flight. I am still struggling with the reality, waking up from my dream holidayssmile.gif
请勿在旅游后观看盗梦空间,会引起精神错乱 …… 不是旅游后,是不要在长途飞行中观看。 LEB^ 什么? 什么东西 最近比较常看WHT了。 GG了下,没关注过我们的世界不是真实的… 不用担心我没热度,我大学是计算机系,以后靠这些吃饭了...