你好我已经搬家完成,原来旧的VPS: 现在已经可以关闭了
我还有个疑问,为什么新的VPS在SolusVM控制面板中显示的内存为1.95 GB,应该是2GB才对.你们确定带宽,内存等都分配无误吗? 关于内存问题这个应该是常识吧。。。 I have migrated my data to the new vps. Please terminate the old one( thx
后面一句不要问了,都这样的 Hello,
The migration is complete and it's safe to delete the previous instance (IP:
One more question: is there a reason for the total memory size displayed in SolusVM to always show up as 1.95 GB rather than 2.00 GB? Are you sure the guaranteed bandwidth, memory and other resources are fully allocated to me?
Thank you.