终于等够0.25个小时,可以发帖了。我前几个月买了个二手godaddy Deluxe Hosting,前两天到期了,空间已经进不去了,管理面板也停了。由于网站我基本没管过,没有备份,虽然网站我不想再办了,但数据对我来说是比较重要的。
Do you have any other way to get back my data? I do not want to Renewal the hosting, because I do not have any time to manage my website, and I willl close the website. But the data is important for me, it is a good memory for me. Thanks for your help. Thank you very much!
Unfortunately the only way to get access back to the hosting account is to renew the account. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please let us know if you have any further questions, comments, or concerns by replying to this email. Our service departments and telephone lines are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to accommodate your needs anytime.
续费的话好像只能续一年的,要83美元。论坛的同学有什么好方法吗? 是的,如果空间账号还显示在godaddy账号里面的话,那么数据是还在的。
如果要重新连上空间获取数据的话只能续费了,如果是年付的空间的话续费只能选择1年了。 不知道能不能续费后马上退款
续费不在退款期内吧。 谢谢各位的回复,客服回信说数据还在
Thanks for the inquiry. If the hosting account is still able to be renewed then we havent deleted the account or any files. Please let us know if we can assist in any other manner.
空间是别人的续费没风险吧?只有20%的卷可以用,满70减20的不能用了.cpuer续费有便宜吗?没有的话在你那边买点godaddy的卷去续费. 应该没风险的,20%的应该是最实惠的优惠码了。
我只做godaddy域名了,空间我不弄了,gift card我也没有卖了。 gift card 买了,续费时出现问题,提示
Unfortunately, we are unable to process your purchase using this form of payment. Please utilize another form of payment, or contact (480) 505-8855 for further assistance.
不知道怎么搞的 找到可以续费一个月的地方了,也是这个提示 是不是购物篮里面已经有这个续费产品了? 购物篮就是刚刚续费买的主机,对方回信说已经让技术部门对核实,要24个小时.