Unfortunately it appears that our Network team has already attemptedto contact Chinanet regarding this issue
We have already contacted them in regards to this issue.
Unfortunately, as mentioned, they have not made any changes after we reported
the issue to them.
Unfortunately they have not done anything for us either.
我们该联合起来联系我们的ISP商去解决这个问题吗?? 我们是中国电信的客户,我们是他们的上帝。唉,扯淡啊。 扯蛋啊 这些日子电信天天不稳定,今天抽了两个小时不知道电信怎么了.联通今天也抽风 SL每次都是这样回答,让找中国电信,呵呵。 扯淡中的扯淡! 用联通的悲剧