Chevereto Free is delayed like 4-6 months in terms of core features and patches. It also won't get any of the upcoming premium features. Current free release (v1.0.8) is forked from v3.8.13 which is already 133 days old. It lacks all the features added in v3.9.X + v3.10.X:
- Added “Create new album” button
- Added “Following” and “Followers” to user menu
- Added “Following” to Explore menu (shows content added by people you follow)
- Added “Upload to this album” button (user/album)
- Added CHV\Listing::getTabs() method
- Added album likes
- Added album preview image when sharing to social networks
- Added forced expirable images for guests (optional)
- Added indication in External storage about Amazon SDK & PHP 复制代码
Next free update should arrive in Nov-Dec 2017 and it will be forked from v3.9.5 so it will miss all the stuff that we are currently adding in v3.10.X (universal plugin, listing navigator, bulk image importer, etc.). Keep in mind that the free edition is just a secondary sub-product and our priority is the paid edition, always.
We already did a two-day 50% discount promo on July 7 and soon as it started, we notified everybody in our newsletter/FB fan page.
For Black Friday we will roll another promo (not 50% but close!) and I hope that everybody help to spread this news because these are special promos, you can't expect promo prices all year.