It's that time of year. Because you are the ADMINISTRATIVE CONTACT for the following domain names registered at GoDaddy.com as of 5/1/2012, ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (and/or the associated ccTLD authority), requires that we ask you to review your contact data and make any changes necessary.
To review/update your contact data:
1. You will need a copy of your Domain Information Key:
2. Click here to input your Domain Information Key and review your contact information.
If you find that your domain contact data is current and accurate, there's no need to take action. If, however, your domain contact information is inaccurate, you must correct it. (Under ICANN and ccTLD WHOIS rules and the terms of your registration agreement, PROVIDING FALSE CONTACT INFORMATION CAN BE GROUNDS FOR DOMAIN NAME CANCELLATION.) To review the ICANN policy, visit: http://www.icann.org/en/whois/wdrp-registrant-faq.htm