Guy H. has responded to your ticket.
Please preserve the subject line. This is important.
(Guy H.)
You have been emailed twice regarding this order and no response has been received. Your order is currently on hold waiting for IP Justification responses. I have pasted the email sent to you below. All of the information in this email is required.
To: 这里是邮箱
From: sales@burst.net
Subject: BurstNET - Order 100000xxxxx -这个是定单号
Body: Hello,
Your IP allocation order has been put on hold pending IP justification.
Please respond to this email/ticket with detailed justification. We require justification according to ARIN's guidelines. You would be required to fill out the IP justification form below.
Provide detailed information on how these IP addresses will be utilized. It is not acceptable to provide information such as "I want my sites on different IPs" or "I have multiple customer who want their own IP":
BurstNET Technologies, Inc.
IP Address Justification Form v2.1
• Overview
The completion of this form is required when requesting additional IP addresses greater than:
• The initial /29 (5 usable) allocated to your dedicated server
• The initial /32 (1 usable) allocated to your VPS or Cloud service
BurstNET Technologies, Inc. strictly observes the policies of American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN), Réseaux IP
Européens (RIPE) or other Regional Internet Registrys (RIR). We require all customers to provide written justification for
any additional IP allocations requested beyond the initial assignment. This justification is needed in order to demonstrate
to ARIN or RIPE that IP allocations assigned to BurstNET are being used efficiently.
• Justification Policy
BurstNET will ONLY allocate IPs in cases where name-based hosting is not possible because of technological restrictions not
yet overcome (e.g. SSL). IPs may not be used for any purpose that violates BurstNET’s acceptable use policy (AUP) or terms
of service (TOS). If your additional IP request can be justified, we will assign the allocation to you. In order to qualify,
the following information must be provided:
• Number of IPs needed
• If you have a previous allocation for this service, you must demonstrate 80% utilization, provide the following
o Existing server name
o Main server IP address
o Total number of IPs assigned to the server
o Total number of IPs actively used by a domain(s)
o Total number of IPs not actively used by a domain(s)
o List of currently assigned IP addresses, include how each one is utilized and its domain name
• Describe the purpose of EACH IP address requested
• Verifiable domain for EACH IP address requested
Each request is thoroughly reviewed before this order will be approved. If this request is for more than a /27 (32 IP
addresses), it may take up to 24 hours to complete this request.
IP Justification Form (copy and paste the completed form into your IP Order)
Company Web address:
Company Name:
Zip Code:
Note: By completing and submitting this for to BurstNET Technologies, Inc. you hereby certify that you are authorized to
represent the company listed above and that all of the information provided below is accurate and truthful to the best of
your knowledge. You under that IPv4 address space limited and that BurstNET is responsible for conserving address space and
that it is utilized efficiently.
1. Provide the server host name:
2. Server's primary IP address:
3. Current IP address space utilization:
a. Total number of IP address(es) assigned to this server:
b. Total number of IP address(es) actively used by domains on this server:
c. Total number of IP address(es) not actively used by domains on this server:
d. List each currently assigned IP address, how its currently used and by which domain name:
1. xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - www点xxxx点com - SSL eCommerace site
2. xxx.xxx.xxx.xxy - mail.somedomain点com - mailserver for somedomain点com
Feel free to add additional lines as needed
Note: 80% of your IP space must be utilized before applying for additional allocations.
4. Number of additional IP address requested:
5. Provide detailed information on how these IP addresses will be utilized. You must provide FQDN (fully qualified domain name).
It is not acceptable to provide information such as "I want my sites on different IPs" or "I have multiple customer who want their own IP":