本帖最后由 ICFOX 于 2012-9-12 09:56 编辑
The transfer you requested has been declined because you opted-in to a transfer lock for 60 days when you agreed to the Go Daddy Change of Registrant policy.
For security reasons, when you change the registrant's first name, last name, or organization name, you consent to a 60 day lock on transferring the domain name. Because you have provided your consent, Section 3(6) of the ICANN Policy on Transfer of Registration between Registrars permits us to decline your transfer request.
If you feel the lock was initiated in error, you may contact review60@secureserver.net to request a review.
Domain Services
Go Daddy
只知道要注册满60天才可以转域名,想不到改联系人也要等60天,啊! |