本帖最后由 ifoneday 于 2012-12-25 14:42 编辑
RT. 那位朋友折腾过 enzu的 IP justification form 填写
同时求多IP服务器或者VPS,价格要实惠。要/24 一个C ,没有配置要求,Linux 系统即可主要用于不同IP的SSH使用。
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2012-12-25 14:31 上传
enzu的 IP justification form 谁填写过,愿各位大神不吝赐教。有尝服务,如果申请通过了,毛爷爷一张!
Email Address: ______________________
List of IPs currently assigned to your company:
Number of IP Addresses being requested at this time:
Number of IP addresses from this assignment to be used immediately:
Number of IP addresses from this assignment to be used within six months (projected):
Number of IP addresses from this assignment to be used within twelve months (projected):
Remember: If your organization already has IP space assigned, you must utilize 80% of those IPs
before applying for more IP space.
Please use the space provided below to describe how you currently assign your existing IP space (if any)
and why you require the number of IP addresses requested above. Please note that equipment behind
firewalls/routers do not require globally unique IP addresses (such as the use of “Network Address
Translation” [NAT]). Please indicate whether you are already conserving address space using a form of
NAT. If additional IP space is required for domain hosting, please indicate why you do not use “Name-
Based Virtual Hosting,” such as SSL. If additional space is needed to explain your justification for IP
addresses, you may attach an addendum to this form.
不知这贴违规不,版主慢删多谢! |
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