今早收到groupon退款说明邮件如下:[ol]IMPORTANT NOTICEHi Guoke,Thanks for your interest in the Groupon for GoDaddy.com.The Fine Print for this deal stated a limit of 1 Groupon per person; however, GoDaddy.com has informed us that more than 1 Groupon code has been redeemed in your GoDaddy account. As a result, all excess codes have been voided in GoDaddy's system. You should have one valid Groupon code remaining in your GoDaddy account.We have also canceled the Groupon associated with each voided code and issued a full refund to the original form of payment. If you purchased with a credit or debit card, please allow up to 10 business days for the refund to appear on your statement.Please contact us at www.groupon.com/support if we can assist you further.Regards,Groupon Customer Support[/ol]复制代码然后又收到另外一封退款邮件:[ol]Your Groupon Has Been RefundedHi Guoke,Everything went smoothly and your Groupon has been refunded.Order summary:Your order placed on December 28, 2012$30 Groupon Subtotal $0.00 Purchase Refund: -$10.00 Total ($10.00) Refunded to:Visa ending in ****-8888Please allow 5-7 business days for your credit to appear on your bank statement.[/ol]复制代码吐槽:我已经删除了信用卡信息,但是groupon还是可以退到这张卡。。。(也许只是记录了卡号?)如果你没有去申请过退款那就继续等等groupon主动把取消的退给你,如果已经主动申请退款的那就不知道了。 |