本帖最后由 身无分文的5毛钱 于 2013-5-18 23:27 编辑
Good morning,
We are sending out an email notice to all clients to let you know that within the next 48 hours your VPS may be restarted and you may experience a couple minutes of downtime during this process. Most of you are aware that there is a new 0-day kernel exploit encompassing RHEL6 RedHat/CentOS machines. The majority of our VPS nodes are powered by CentOS 6 machines and as such, we are updating our kernels across all of our servers within the next 48 hours. The updated kernel will include a patch to this vulnerability
As we run OpenVZ, the vulnerability does not put your VPS (or us) at risk of being compromised, the most that the exploit can do in our case is if a VPS container executes this exploit, it can cause the hypervisor to crash/reboot. We have applied a temporary patch earlier this week to help us become immune from any publicly available exploits related to this, and also to allow time for OpenVZ to release a new kernel release that includes the patch for this 0-day exploit, and now that it is released and tested to be |