Hello ******
We have a few announcements to make, hopefully exciting enough to make up for sending you email on a Sunday. First off, just to cover a few things Francisco has been working on with the Stallion2 panel - for anyone not aware, IPSec is now fully functional on our OpenVZ products. A 64bit OS is required (more information, and a full setup guide available on Our Wiki), but otherwise is a fairly painless and quick config process.
Stallion2 now also allows full /64 assignments per VM! Once a subnet is assigned (done via the `IP Addresses->IPv6 Addresses` menu path), you are able to bind IPv6 addresses from your assigned /64 at will.
We're also happy to announce that we've decided to activate an affiliate program! It's a fairly simple setup - each sale you refer gets you a recurring 15% of the service cost for the life of said service. Payouts are available after 30 days, and can be requested as either account credit or as a direct payment via our accepted gateways (currently PayPal and Google Checkout). For 'cash' payouts, however, you must have active service and be in Good Standing. We will also only send funds to you - please do not request that we send your payout to 'a friend', etc. Clients can access their Affiliates page by using the `My Referrals` option from the Billing dropdown menu once the new TOS/AUP goes into effect tomorrow morning.
Of course, with these additions also comes some changes to our TOS/AUP. Most of the changes are minor and can be glossed over (reduced fees on TOS Violation fines, etc), but there are a couple of changes that do need to be stressed:
TOR Exit Nodes: TOR exit nodes are no longer permitted on our network for any reason. Anyone currently running an exit node must have it shut down and removed within 48 hours. From here forward, running a TOR exit node will be considered a willful violation of the AUP, of the same severity as resource abuse and network attacks. Middle nodes are unaffected by this policy, and may still be hosted.
bitTorrent: bitTorrent no longer requires a 'Non-US IP'. Clients are welcome to torrent on any IP we assign, but we do ask that you cap your torrents to prevent I/O and network abuse.
'Security'/Pen Testing: Any type of security/pen/DDoS testing is absolutely forbidden. This includes using tools such as hping and webbench to "test" local or remote servers. This activity is now treated as blatant disregard for our policies, and malicious use of resources; the service(s) will be terminated, and a possible ban on the account.
The new TOS/AUP officially go into effect 0600h tomorrow morning (0600h PST, 19Aug2013). Until then, the new TOS/AUP can be viewed in full at https://my.frantech.ca/tos.new.php and https://my.frantech.ca/aup.new.php .
As always, it's a pleasure being able to provide for your hosting needs! If you have any questions/concerns about these changes (or anything else you'd like to discuss with us), please feel free to open a support ticket, and I'll be happy to lend an ear. Thank you for choosing Frantech/BuyVM!
Aldryic C'boäs, Frantech Staff |