06/23 21:36 I have not looked after my vps for days and today I find it have been restarted again,I remember that it have been restarted several times this month.Now when I run the command "yum upgrade",it shows "Running rpm_check_debug Running Transaction Test memory alloc (12 bytes) returned NULL",what's the problem?
I and many many people choose your vps because we really think you do not oversell,but now it seems that you have not keep your promise.It's a pitty and I'm so sorry for that.I hope that you can do something,like network and ability.
Best wishes!
Staff .
06/23 21:42 > it shows "Running rpm_check_debug Running
> Transaction Test > memory alloc (12 bytes)
> returned NULL",what's the problem?
That would be your individual vps running out of memory.
> I and many many people choose your vps
> because we really think you do not oversell,
> but now it seems that you have not keep your promise.
You are exceeding the limits of the plan you have signed up for - that has nothing to do with overselling - we don't oversell.
"cat /proc/user_beancounters" if you'd like proof you're hitting your 128mb burstable memory limit on your plan.
Either reduce your usage or we can upgrade you to a higher plan.
06:17 I run the command "free -m" and it shows that I have only used 16M and there is still 111M free,you said this is because "my individual vps running out of memory"??? Are you kidding me???
Could you login to my vps and have a look at the memory usage and then give me an fucking answer?
06:21 I have only used 16M memory and then I even can't run the command "yum upgrade"???If so,what else can I do by this fucking vps???
和Ramhost的客服的ticket过程如上,我的vps是最小那款的,就装了个openvpn,今天连vpn发现被连不上,登上去发现不知什么时候又被重启了,于是重新打开openvpn服务,free了一下,用了16m内存,于是再“yum upgrade”,最后一步提示Running rpm_check_debug Running Transaction Test memory alloc (12 bytes) returned NULL。问客服,竟然说是我的内存不够,我操,我只用了16M,还剩余111M,连upgrade都运行不了?我记得我原来从没出现这种问题。于是忍不住回了客服两句带fuck的。。。

英文不好,不许笑! |