You are about to be asked to enter information that will be used by ServerSpeeder,
there are several fields and you can leave them blank,
for all fields there will be a default value.
Enter your accelerated interface(s) [eth0]:
Enter your outbound bandwidth [1000000 kbps]:
Enter your inbound bandwidth [1000000 kbps]:
Notice:After set shorttRtt-bypass value larger than 0,
it will bypass(not accelerate) all first flow from same 24-bit
network segment and the flows with RTT lower than the shortRtt-bypass value
Configure shortRtt-bypass [0 ms]:
Auto load ServerSpeeder on linux start-up? [n]:y
Run ServerSpeeder now? [y]:
(license 0A0D10131013162A)
engineId=0 cpuId=0 cpuMaskNum=1 packetPoolSizeKP=256 : Operation not permitted
..............................Loading ServerSpeeder failed: failed to load engine 0
另外我想加速8686端口,如果输了的话显示 Device "8686" does not exist.