Log in as "root" by SSH or the console. Run this command to install the BlueOnyx 5209R YUM configuration file:
Then run this command to install BlueOnyx 5209R and all its dependencies:
Let it grab and install the stuff. It'll be around 800-1200 RPMs. That kind of depends on your base install. This will take a while to finish.
After the RPMs have been installed, check with "ps axf" to see if all the install related processes are finished. There might still some CCEd handlers/constructors working in the background. Give them time to finish.
Then reboot. DO NOT SKIP THE REBOOT!!!
This reboot is important, as it will be used to turn SELinux and the service Firewalld off and it will enable disk quota for /home (if present) or / if there is no separate /home partition. Additionally it will automatically create the user "admin", which you need to login to the GUI.
The reboot will be quick, as Systemd fires up the services in parallel as fast as it can. So when you get a shell it doesn't mean that the system is finished booting OR has finished the initial configuration. Please watch the process list with "ps axf" or top until the system has stabilized itself.
Now run this script:
DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP! Even if your network is still working! This is needed to get the network details into CODB and to restart some services.
Once that's done you might be able to reach the GUI by pointing your browser to port 444 (GUI via HTTP) or port 81 (GUI via HTTPS).