Permanent roaming is not allowed.
o A Service which has been roaming in the EU in excess of 60 days (for
consecutive or separate periods) in any 4 month period is deemed to be
permanent roaming. You may only use the Services in the EU for periodic
travel while you are normally resident in the UK. If you’re not genuinely using
the Services for periodic travel we may have to charge you for, or suspend you
from, using the Services in the EU. If you continue to use the Service roaming
in the EU 14 days after we contact you for a clarification of your situation and
we receive no satisfactory explanation from you, a surcharge will apply to your
roaming consumption, at the rate of 0.78p per MB of data for the remainder of
your Service allowance.
o A Service which has been roaming in the China of total usage consumed in
mainland China is higher than total usage consumed in UK is deemed to be
permanent roaming. We will send you alert message if such abnormal usage
pattern is detected or approaching to happen. If you continue the permanent
roaming usage pattern, we reserve the right to suspend the service without