发表于 2018-2-26 11:40:51
求道鱼 发表于 2018-2-27 17:11
发工单 就说充多了,hahahh
哇哇哇哇 你陪我券Kanita Z. Vultr Staff2018-02-27 16:57:06 Hello Dai,
We have issued a refund for $19.55 as requested. Please note that it may take 1-3 business days for this refund to show up on your statement. If you do not see this refund, please contact your financial institution and ask them about their refund policies.
To review your account balance and payment history, please visit your customer portal billing
If we can be of any further assistance, please let us know.
Thank you for choosing Vultr.
Kind Regards,
Kanita Z.
Customer Support
直接退全款了 垃圾客服
I paid more than 15 dollars, and I hope I can return it to me |