Do you want to have PHP4 or PHP5 as default? (4/5): 5 安装PHP5
Do you want to have PHP5? (yes/no): y 安装PHP5
Do you want to have PHP5 as CLI or CGI? (cli/cgi): cgi 使用CGI模式
Do you want to have PHP4? (yes/no): no 不使用PHP4
Do you want to have the php.ini (PHP configuration file) rewritten? (yes/no): yes 写入php.ini
For the next question, the usual file is the dist (distribution) version.What type of php.ini (PHP configuration file) do you want to have? (dist/recommended): recommended 使用正常模式
Do you want to have Zend Optimizer? (yes/no): no 安装ZEND
Do you want to be able to update/instal MySQL using CustomBuild? (yes/no): no 在安装或升级时备份数据?
Do you want CustomBuild to backup MySQL databases before the update? (yes/no): no 在升级时备份mYSQL数据
Which version of Apache do you want to have? (1.3/2.0/2.2): 2.2 安装apache
Do you want to be able to install/update phpMyAdmin using CustomBuild? (yes/no): yes 安装phpmyadmin
Do you want to be able to install/update Atmail webmail using CustomBuild? (yes/no): no 安装mail
Do you want to be able to install/update SquirrelMail webmail using CustomBuild? (yes/no): no 安装mail
Do you want to be able to install/update RoundCube webmail using CustomBuild? (yes/no): no 安装mail
Do you want to be able to install/update UebiMiau webmail using CustomBuild? (yes/no): no 安装mail
Do you want to install PHP mail() header patch together with PHP? (yes/no): yes 安装phpmail(安装这个以后如果不安装mail服务器是否能使用phpmail)
Do you want to install Dovecot? (yes/no): no mail组件
Do you want to be able to update Exim configuration file (exim.conf) using CustomBuild? (yes/no): no mail组件
Do you want to be able to install/update ProFTPD using CustomBuild? (yes/no): yes 安装FTP
Do you want CustomBuild to install Jailed shell (beta)? (yes/no): no 这个不太清楚
Do you want CustomBuild to download versions.txt every time? (yes/no): no 这个也不太清楚
Do you want to enable bolded text? (yes/no): no 这个也不太清楚
Do you want to clean everything (run './build clean' every time) running CustomBuild? (yes/no):清除缓存 [/ol]复制代码