本帖最后由 甜党 于 2018-10-23 20:59 编辑
[ol]TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX FILM CORPORATION and its affiliated companies (collectively, "FOX") are the exclusive owners of copyrights in numerous movies and television shows.You are receiving this notice because an Internet account on your network was identified as having been recently used to illegally copy and/or distribute (e.g. download, upload) FOX content. The specific FOX content involved, the IP address where the infringement occurred, and the date and time of the infringement are documented below. If the recipient of this notice is an Internet Service Provider, College/University or Business organization that no longer controls the IP address cited in the evidentiary information, please notify Irdeto by contacting DMCA-info@irdeto.com.This unauthorized copying and distribution constitutes copyright infringement under Section 106 of the U.S. Copyright Act. These are serious offenses which could lead to legal consequences for the account holder. Also, depending upon the type of service HostHatch, LLC. is providing to this IP address, it may have legal and/or equitable liability if it does not expeditiously remove or disable access to the property listed below, or if it fails to implement a policy that provides for termination of subscribers who are repeat infringers (see, 17 U.S.C. 512).Although various legal and equitable remedies may be available to FOX as a result of such infringement, FOX believes that the entire Internet community benefits when these matters are resolved cooperatively. We urge you to take immediate action to effect removal of the detected infringement listed in the below report, including:(1) Notify the account holder of this infringement(2) Require the account holder remove the infringing material(3) Disable access to the infringing material(4) Take appropriate action against the account holder under your Abuse Policy/Terms of ServiceIf your account holder has questions about this notice, please refer him/her to the website http://www.respectcopyrights.org which offers resources to help users ensure that their Internet accounts are not being used to violate copyright laws and provides information on how theft of movies and TV shows damages our economy and costs thousands of Americans their jobs.Today there are many exciting and innovative sources of authorized movie and television content available to users online. We encourage you to refer your account holder to the website https://www.justwatch.com/ where they will find an array of legal choices.We appreciate your efforts to cooperate in addressing content theft and fostering legal consumption of movies and TV shows. Please send us a prompt response indicating the actions you have taken to resolve this matter. Please reference the above noted Notice ID IMxCVx-9ee8bb4a-8915-41d9-a58d-d91c2a23d8bd in all correspondence, which should be directed to:Email: fox-cc@copyright-compliance.comThe undersigned has a good faith belief that use of FOX's property in the manner described herein is not authorized by FOX, its agents or the law. Also, we hereby state that the information in this notification is accurate and, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California and the United States, that the undersigned is authorized to act on behalf of FOX with respect to this matter.Please be advised that this letter is not and is not intended to be a complete statement of FOX’s rights in connection with this matter, and nothing contained herein constitutes an express or implied waiver of any rights, remedies, or defenses of FOX, all of which are specifically reserved.Sincerely,[/ol]复制代码 |
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