发表于 2018-11-18 12:24:33
I don;t know if it's you, but it is definatelly CC. As of LEB offers, those are in the current first page:
SparkVPS: Hosted in CC datacenters.
HiFormance: Hosted in CC datacenters.
ColoCrossing: Emm, yes!
HostedSimply: Hosted in CC datacenter
HudsonValleyHost: Owned by CC
BigFootServers: Another one hosted in CC datacenters
UMaxHosting: presence on CC Datacenter
KudoHosting: Again, CC datacenters
ChicagoVPS: Will make LEB great again (a CC company)
MegaZoneHosting: Don't make me repeat myself!
Most of those companies did start business last summer/fall. I am not saying they are not good providers. I have to admit that I bought a cheap shared yearly hosting account with one of them for some tests and a really non critical nextcloud installation for a friend of mine, and I am rather happy for the moment. But LEB has turned to me just a market place for CC clients. That's OK with me, I know that it is. On the other hand, if LET turn to be the same, that's also OK with me, but it will be without me. (I know I am not something special, LET will not miss me at all).
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