楼主 |
发表于 2018-12-5 03:22:29
耳媒体 发表于 2018-12-5 08:46
把我投诉给结算部门了 很开心的感觉,如果封号了,大家可以用这个方法退款 ...

我一个TK托了一个星期把他们Sr. Sys Admin托了出来多个帐号反而不给退款的...
Aviv M.
You appear to be using multiple accounts "***" and "***".
Please note that customers are only eligible to have one active client area account at a time as per our AUP here: https://virmach.com/terms-conditions/#tab1
[ol]B) Circumvention Prohibited: Customer agrees not to circumvent, abuse, or attempt to circumvent or abuse VirMach security measures and/or billing system. This includes, but is not limited to: creating multiple billing accounts for the same Customer or from the same household, using multiple accounts to deposit funds exceeding amount of funds permitted, creating a billing account for someone other than Customer, or abusing bugs in VirMach’s system. Any abuse will result in account closure and immediate Service termination, without refund. VirMach does not honor any pricing mistakes on their website and reserves the right to cancel such orders.[/ol]复制代码
As you're only allowed one refund and you're requesting refunds for two services, we cannot process this.
Aviv M.
L2 Tech Support & Billing (In-House)
We have received your request. Please keep in mind, since this will be flagged directly to the billing department, it may take longer than usual to receive a response, especially on weekends. |