发表于 2011-7-5 12:59:26
有本事把PP搞了。[ol]根据该专利,由供应者系统发布的电子账单会有一个固有识别码返回到服务器或供应者系统。服务器或供应者系统能够从供应者银行系统接收到的电子收支明细中接收电子收支明细所包含的ID。供应者系统能够使用该ID,从多个电子账单中特定向供应者的银行账户中进行了入款的电子账单。[/ol]复制代码这不就是个流水号吗?[ol]2010年8月30日,来自以色列的电子交易系统公司MoneyCat控告全球最大商务网站eBay的子公司PayPal涉嫌专利侵权,这已经是PayPal近两个月来的第二起专利诉讼,全案目前交由德拉瓦州联邦地院审理调查。Electronic currency, electronic wallet therefor and electronic payment systems employing them AbstractElectronic currency consists of data in a form suitable to be stored in a user's data storage medium, comprising information on the data value, identification of each specific set of data or data point, and authentication information suitable to verify that said data has been generated by a specific Currency Issuing Authority (CIA). A method and a system for effecting currency transactions between two users over the Internet or other communication network are also described. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Inventors: Luzzatto; Kfir (Omer, IL) Assignee: Moneycat Ltd. (Omer, IL) Appl. No.: 09/644,104 Filed: August 23, 2000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Foreign Application Priority Data-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aug 26, 1999 [IL] 131612 Aug 31, 1999 [IL] 131672 Nov 14, 1999 [IL] 132919 [/ol]复制代码
[ 本帖最后由 wdlth 于 2011-7-5 13:43 编辑 ]国人总是前怕狼后怕虎的,整天嚷嚷着要河蟹啊,发展啊,稳腚啊,这样下去祖宗都快卖光了。